Fender Princeton Reverb II

Photo Gallery- Unmodified Amps
I got the idea from Soren Thomasson's excellent Super Champ website

last update March 2018

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You probably know what a PRII looks like. So do I. There's no need to send me pictures of your amp if looks like all the others (but thanks for the thought).
If' there's something special about it, I'd love to put a picture in the other gallery!

March 2018 - this is DUNK, a rock band from Denmark. On the right is Lasse Laursen and to the right of him his two PRIIs. Thanks for the photo, Lasse.



This is the recording rig of Chuck Hammer, as set up recently in Woodstock, NY, USA. Chuck is the originator of Guitarchitecture and has been accorded 'Pioneer Guitarist' status by Rolling Stone Magazine.
His next album (as of Oct 2017) will apparently feature both his PRIIs. Thanks to Chuck for the use of this picture. 

Chuck Hammer recording setup 

This PRII below belongs to Vivien D (Donk on the FDP) and I'm showing it because it's probably the cleanest  PRII in the world (unless you know better). I haven't asked him if the sound is as clean.
Nice original footswitch, and nice furniture, too, V...

donks' PRII 
photo by Vivien

Time Machine!

Now here's a bizarre story. This PRII belongs to Mike W in Ohio, USA.  Once again, looks normal. Note the retro-fitted Eminence speaker (Mike's still got the original speaker).

mw prii

Here come the interesting bit; Mike writes.... "I bought it NEW in 1996 from a little music store in a small Ohio town- $389 US, never sold except to me.  I sent in the warranty card.  About 5 weeks later, Fender called, and wanted me to read the numbers off the tubes, and the serial number to verify that it was in fact NEW.  They then extended their five-year warranty to me (with a comment that, if the amp needed major repair they would have to replace it with a $1000 amp).  It never did."

(see also "Timewarp" below....)


Let's Do the Timewarp Again!

I am indebted to Richard Boubelik for pointing out this PRII, serial number F325297, on sale on eBay, late April 2005. It went for $886.54 (those 54 cents must have been important).

time warp prii

yep, it's new-in-box. The seller says "This amplifier was purchased in 1984 and was never used and is in the original box with original papers and users manual." (The serial number does indeed make it a '84). I have asked for more info, and asked where it's BEEN all these years, and warned about the hazards of firing up electrolytic caps after  21 years of non-use. I hope to hear from the seller or the buyer, (yes! see below) but in the meantime you might want to imagine what it must have been like to buy a point-to-point NEW Fender amp, get it home, take it out of the box, and fire it up for the first time. Only Custom Shop customers get that feeling now, I think. For some reason these images (lifted from the eBay page) don't show up here with the same definition, but the purple 'new' wrapper has the slogan across the top in small black letters 'The sound that creates legends".

In Tom Wheeler's excellent book The Soul of Tone: Celebrating 60 years of Fender amps, p.348, Fender veteran Steve Grom says "The Rivera amps in the early 80s, especially the tube models... looked like old Fender amps. Dealers would take them out of the box (and) stick them with the old ones... nobody realized it was a whole new model... we tried putting a silver and purple banner across the front of these amps. It said 'new, new, new'. It would rattle like crazy. It was like one of those 'sanitized for your protection' paper things." My own London Reverb has the remains of this purple thing stapled in behind the grille.

timewarp prii

timewarp prii

The new owner has been kind enough to contact me with more detail - Norm F, of Virginia, USA, writes...."I slow started the old/new amp by letting it warm up with the volume turned all the way down. No problems occurred and it sounds great. It even has that new amp smell.....go figure!...... The amp was purchased new and then the guitarist was in an accident. Evidently he held on to it hoping to recover his playing abilities and never did. The amp had remained in the original package in a closet all these years. The gentleman was recently selling the family home and decided to let the amp go as well.
In all my years of playing, I never would have imagined I would own this fine amp in showroom condition. Needless to say having already owned one that has paid it's dues many times over......I am sold on the Reverb II."


This is the tube chart for every PRII....

PRII tube chart
photo by Wolfgang H

and this, courtesy of Steven, is the factory's final inspection checklist...
factory checklist

This is Wofgang H's beautifully re-finished '54 Strat with his PRII (well, the body's re-finished anyway)

54 Strat and PRII
photo by Wolfgang H


July 06 - Greg in Denver, CO, USA sent me this...

Greg's Riveras

yep, he's got a PRII (top left), a Super Champ (top right), A Rivera-branded amp, (I don't know which) and a Concert; all Rivera designs. Guess which is his gigging amp.

Chassis Stamp heaven
(ok, so I'm easily pleased...)

If you ever take the chassis out of the cabinet, please email me with any details like this. It will really help me with my dating and quantities project.
Don T chassis stamp

This amp belongs to Don T of Washington State, USA. Some PRIIs have no chassis stamp, sometimes it's elsewhere on the chassis, and sometimes there's only the 4 digits. On this one 38 means 1983, and 54 means week 45. So Don's amp was 'born' in early November 1983. The 'M' means the chassis was wired in Ensenada, Mexico. That's probaby Don's thumb on the extreme left.

Below is a group photo taken by Georg B in Germany.

Georg B amp gorup

That's right, he's got (left to right) a Champ II, and PRII, and a Super Champ.
You at the back there.... stop drooling. Thanks, Georg, for making the rest of us jealous.


Gerd Goes One Better

Gerd S, also in Germany, just sent me these photos (Oct 2012). I hope these amps are stored in a secret location....

gerds amps,

Yes, that's two Super Champs and two PRIIs. All Gerd's......

gerd amps front

... and one of his guitars. You can see Gerd with one of his PRIIs, extreme right (black Les Paul) on this video

gerds amps and v

It's Not a Competition, but He's Winning

a lot of amps

Jim T of Virginia, US, has kindly emailed me with a bunch of photos of his Rivera-era Fender collection. I've been in touch with a few folks who have had five or six amps in the range but not necessarily all at the same time. Now (April 2016) here comes Jim with seven in his possession. Back row, l-r is London Reverb head, Deluxe Reverb II, and (naturally) another London Reverb head. Middle row - Stage Lead, Princeton Reverb II, Studio Lead. In front is a Harvard Reverb II. Jim says the PRII is the most expensive amp he's ever bought because it triggered the need to buy all the others...  

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