Princeton Reverb II
Classified Ads!

last update May 2021

(see the bottom of this page for conditions)



TIMEWASTERS  - please don't promise to come and see amps and then not turn up. One of 'my' UK sellers was plagued with this. What's the point? If you know you're not coming, don't say you will. If something comes up and you can't keep an appointment,  phone to say so.

If you'd like to place an ad please email me.

Please don't ask me to post ads for anything not directly about the Fender Princeton Reverb II. The home page of this site (not this page of ads) is currently only getting twenty hits day, presumably from people who are interested in this one amp. If you're trying to buy or sell a guitar or a different amp, there must be a better way - eBay seems to be effective.

Caveat Emptor. I'm not taking any money for this and I'm not taking any responsibility for failure to pay up or deliver, goods in bad condition, faulty info, etc etc. Buyers and sellers are not known to me personally, though anyone interested in the PRII is probably a person of good taste and integrity. I think.


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